Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are the Airport Operations (unicom, etc) part of BRTA? Not anymore, although many of the people who participate in airport operations are also Agents.

  2. Is the Airport Gate part of BRTA? No, although some of people who work there are Agents.

  3. Are the air charter operations part of BRTA? No, although some of people who work with them are Agents.

  4. Can I camp by the airport if I'm not part of BRTA? Maybe! We don’t actively recruit. Start by the survey listed above. Pilots can continue to camp under their wing. Fly-by-Nite is the only other theme camp at the Airport. Check the 88NV page for updates.

  5. What can I do to help out? We’d love to meet you! Read the "Can I be a part of BRTA" page and fill out the New Agent Questionnaire. Or show up at the airport and ask what you can do to help.

  6. Can you fly me to Burning Man from LA? I have always dreamed of flying in to Burning Man and only weigh 100 pounds. Heh.

  7. How can I get someone to take me up in their plane to see BRC from the air? Pilots are mysterious creatures. Showing up at the airport and volunteering is no guarantee but it can't hurt.